An old fashioned word or phrase that describes a meditative walk

An old fashioned word or phrase that describes a meditative walk. It's not a constitutional but it's something that Ben Franklin, or Thomas Edison would do to clear their mind, rejuvenate, reconnect, invigorate, rebalance etc. I think there is a noun for this activity. They might say "I am going to take my ...."

Solution 1:

How about:

  • Ramble
  • Constitutional
  • Meander
  • Stroll

Solution 2:

Perhaps the word you are looking for is perambulation. The verb perambulate is defined as:-

  1. To walk through.

  2. To inspect (an area) on foot.


To walk about; roam or stroll.

so the third meaning turned into the noun form would be quite close to what you want.

Solution 3:

Kinhin is the walking meditation that is practiced between long periods of the sitting meditation known as zazen.