Minecraft(on MAC) has Hotbar Scrolling issue

I have Minecraft installed on my new Mac but there is an issue with the scrolling in the Hotbar. I have to scroll multiple times just to move forward one slot. I used to play Minecraft on Windows but this issue never happened.

I have increased the scroll speed and tracking speed but to no change. Is there any way to fix this? Or is it a compatibility issue?

[Citing this Reddit post for the fix]

This is likely a mis-communication in the driver or the way that Java is handling the input. Althought that itself cannot be fixed, there is a very simple workaround. Inside of your Minecraft installation folder (see this post as to how to access that), open the options.txt file.

You should see a line that looks like the following, about halfway down the file:


That value can handle any double type number from 1-100. It will be different for everyone, so adjust that value up from 1.0 until you have the desired result.

Note that you will have to restart minecraft for the changes you make in the options file to take effect.