Can all files be removed in the user's bash session directory?

I didn't see this question asked or could find any answers when I Googled but I thought history -c would clear all my Bash history but there are still several files in .bash_sessions located under /Users/user/.bash_sessions.

What is the difference between these files and the bash history file of .bash_history? Can the files in this directory (/.bash_sessions) be deleted safely? There are over 200 files with random letters, numbers and dashes followed by the extensions of .historynew, .history and .session.

A session file is commands from a single session.

The history is an incomplete collection of commands used in any session.

I don't know for sure whether anything (other than loss of history) would occur from deleting them, but I suspect not. An easy test would be move them all to another directory, then move them back if you see a problem.