How to transfer files between AWS s3 and AWS ec2

Solution 1:

Using the most recent AWS CLI ( you can use the following commands to copy files from your Ec2 Instance or even you local machine to S3 storage.

aws s3 cp myfolder s3://mybucket/myfolder --recursive

You'll then get something like:

upload: myfolder/file1.txt to s3://mybucket/myfolder/file1.txt 
upload: myfolder/subfolder/file1.txt to s3://mybucket/myfolder/subfolder/file1.txt

If this is your first usage of the aws CLI tool then you'll need to run:

aws configure

This will ask you to enter your access key & secret along with specifying a default region.

Solution 2:

There are a number of ways to send files to S3. I've listed them below along with installation and documentation where relevant.

  • S3CMD: ( You can install this on debian/ubuntu easily via apt-get install s3cmd, then run from command line. You could incorporate this into a bash script or your program.

  • S3FS: ( and ... This mounts an s3 bucket, so that it looks just like a local disk. It takes a little more effort to setup, but once the disk is mounted, you don't need to do anything special to get the files in your bucket.

  • If you use a CMS (lets use Drupal as an example) you may have the option of using a module to handle access to your bucket eg

  • Finally, you can use programming language implementations to handle all the logical yourself, for PHP you can start with this and see documentation here

An example of the PHP implementation:


    // Simple PUT:
    if (S3::putObject(S3::inputFile($file), $bucket, $uri, S3::ACL_PRIVATE)) {
        echo "File uploaded.";
    } else {
        echo "Failed to upload file.";


An example of s3cmd:

s3cmd put my.file s3://bucket-url/my.file


Another option worth mention is the AWS CLI This is widely available, for example it's already included on AmazonLinux and can be downloaded via Python (which is installed on many systems including linux and windows).

Available commands, cp ls mb mv rb rm sync website for interacting with S3

Solution 3:

Install s3cmd Package as:

yum install s3cmd


sudo apt-get install s3cmd

depending on your OS. Then copy data with this:

s3cmd get s3://tecadmin/file.txt

also ls can list the files.

For more detils see this

Solution 4:

I'm using s3cmd to store nightly exported database backup files from my ec2 instance. After configuration of s3cmd, which you can read about at their site, you can then run a command like:

s3cmd put ./myfile s3://mybucket

Solution 5:

Use s3cmd for that:

s3cmd get s3://AWS_S3_Bucket/dir/file

See how to install s3cmd here:

This works for me...