Right click selected text on a link, but only copy raw text

I select the text of a hyperlink, but when I right click on it, there's no option to simply copy the text. It only allows to copy the link itself. How can I achieve what I desire?

Solution 1:

Click in the space before or after the link and drag across to select the link.

Copy, then paste somewhere and edit out the spaces.

Or double- or triple-click somewhere else on the line to get the whole line or paragraph, copy and edit results.

Or show page source, search for the text, and copy it from there.

Solution 2:

right click, but instead of clicking copy link, click copy

EDIT: open automator. Choose new document. choose quick action. change the top settings to:

enter image description here

Add a copy to clipboard action. Save it.

When you want to copy something, select, then right click it. Select services>whatever you saved that quick action as (eg. "copy")

This is probably not the most efficient way to do this, but it works