What strategies are there for fighting mages as a mage?

I'm playing in a mostly mage style (though I have decent One-handed skill). Lately, I've been encountering more and more mages who are proving very difficult because of my low health.

I have the Mage Armor perk and I just need to know whether that and/or armor are actually worth anything against a mage. And if not, what are my best alternatives?

Solution 1:

Well, your best bet if you're having issues with fighting mages is using a ward. Wards protect from magic completely as long as the ward is greater than the magic being shot at you. With regards to armour, there are no downsides in Skyrim to wearing armour on a mage. It will not effect your spells effectiveness. I am a pure mage and I wear full daedric Armour.

Basically with regards to alteration magic(oak flesh etc) it is specifically geared towards Protection from melee damage so yes to answer you question wards are the only kind of magic that can be used to protect from magic.

you can also enchant armor with resistance to magicka/elemental but i personally prefer wards due to the fact that i use different enchantments on all of my armor and its easier to use a wards because not every enemy is magic related. wards are also really useful for protecting against dragon fire.

If this doesn't answer you question fully feel free to leave a comment and I will try to elaborate.

Solution 2:

I would recommend:

  1. Carry some nice armour for these fights or
  2. Have your companion carry some backup armour for you that you can switch into before a fight.

Regarding wards look at this question. It looks at the advantages of oakflesh over wards.

Solution 3:

If you are being targeted by means of magic or weapons, than something is wrong.

Mages are no tanks - they cannot sustain direct hits more frequently than now and then.

If you are being surrounded or plain outnumbered, then use distraction and/or chaos to your advantage:

  • Use illusion spells: Rage, Calm and similar spells will shift the centre of attention from you to (multiple) other targets or completely disable them.

  • Use your companion as a meat shield. Let him/her take the hurt and flank or just step aside and wreak havoc among the ranks.

  • Use your horse. Well, it usually goes into fights itself, but does back away if the enemy is too strong, or just drops unconscious. Be careful not to hit it instead.

  • Always have your shields up (watch for the effect, go in third person to see it better). A couple of unlucky hits might bring you down quickly.