Does $\lim_{n\to\infty}\underset{n}{\underbrace{\cos(\cos(...\cos x))}}$ exist? [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: Explaining $\cos^\infty$

Does the following limit exist?

$$\lim_{n\to\infty}\underset{n}{\underbrace{\cos(\cos(...\cos x))}}$$

If yes, find the limit.

If no, please explain why the limit doesn't exist.

I think, the limit exists.

So, I tried to use Squeeze theorem but didn't work.

You may treat is as dynamical system with state transition function $f(x) = cos(x)$. After first two iterations $f^{n > 2}(x)$ will lay in interval $I = [cos(1), 1]$. Line $g(x) = x$ will intercept $cos(x)$ in interval $I$ exactly once so $cos(x)$ has unique fixed point in $I$. Because of unique fixed point and because $|f'(x)| < 1$ sequence $f^n(x)$ will converge to this fixed point.