Since it's a homework question I will just give some steps.

  1. By linearity, we can assume that $x=0$.
  2. We have to show that for each subsequence of $\{Tx_n\}$, we can extract a further subsequence which converges to $0$ in norm in $Y$.
  3. A weakly converging sequence is bounded.
  4. $T$ maps bounded sets to sets with a compact closure.

Once the second steps is shown, we can conclude. Indeed, assume that $Tx_n$ doesn't converge to $0$. Then we are able to find $\delta>0$ and $A$ an infinite subset of the natural numbers such that $\lVert Tx_k\rVert_Y\geq\delta$ for each element of $A$. We can consider it as a subsequence, and we can't extract a further subsequence which converges to $0$, a contradiction.