Word for sound of a crowd talking all around you [closed]


bustle, buzz



a loud, confused noise, as of many voices


I like din

: a loud continuous noise, especially of discordant sounds [Webster's]

I could barely hear the music over the din of the audience.

Susurration is a nice choice, if there is a whispering quality to people's vocalizations. Groups of people around you can make many different sounds. It depends upon the specifics of what's happening and how people are feeling and acting. You've gotten lots of good suggestions for various types of sound.

The crowd susurrations were liquid in his screwed-up ears. Cory Doctorow, The Makers

see Fine Dictionary compendium of definitions, etymology and usage including:

n susurration speaking softly without vibration of the vocal cords

n susurration the indistinct sound of people whispering "a soft susurrus of conversation"

L. susurratio, fr. susurrare, to whisper: cf. F. susurration,
hypernyms :sound, speaking, speech production

I would go for babble, which can mean

a continuous low or confused sound, especially the sound of several people talking

(Cambridge dictionary)


disorderly agitation or milling about of a crowd usually with uproar and confusion of voices

Source: Merriam-Webster