Word for a certain metaphor

Solution 1:

Disoriented may be the word you're looking for:

(adj.) confused as to time or place; out of touch


Solution 2:

Consider the idiomatic expression lose one's bearings:

To lose sight of or become unable to determine one's orientation, position, or abilities relative to one's surroundings or situation.

  • as in After we missed the turnpike exit, we completely lost our bearings. These phrases use bearings in the sense of “relative position,” a usage dating from the 1600s.


Solution 3:

I would use directionless or aimless were I you. Literally speaking both mean without direction or purpose, and are commonly used in reference to people who seem to lack direction or purpose in their lives.

Solution 4:

Very common is the metaphor

All at sea


In a state of confusion and disorder.


All at sea: This is an extension of the nautical phrase 'at sea'. It dates from the days of sail when accurate navigational aids weren't available. Any ship that was out of sight of land was in an uncertain position and in danger of becoming lost.

'At sea' has been in use since the 18th century, as here, in Sir William Blackstone's Commentaries on the laws of England, 1768:

"If a court of equity were still at sea, and floated upon the occasional opinion which the judge who happened to preside might entertain of conscience in every particular case."

The earliest reference to 'all at sea' in print that I can find is from Travel and adventure in south-east Africa, 1893, by Frederick C. Selous:

"I was rather surprised to find that he seemed all at sea, and had no one ready to go with me."

The Phrase Finder