Idiom for something that is the best "available" solution

What's the most relevant idiom for something that is not the best solution and theoretically is far from the ideal. However, among the current solutions this the most appropriate and working one.

It should fit the following sentence:

Despite its disadvantages that causes it to not being the silver bullet, this method is the best available one. In fact, it can be considered as (______).

Solution 1:

As good as it gets, is a common saying used to refer to:

  • the best available (solution etc.) under the circumstances.


Solution 2:

The most appropriate saying I can think of is

The best of a bad bunch

The implication being that all available options are bad, but this one is the best one of them. It's still bad, but the alternatives are worse.

Solution 3:

If you don't want to imply that you are picking from a pool of bad options, then maybe borrowing the term satisfice from behavioural economics would be suitable. It is a portmanteau of suffice and satisfy and the concept is that when there are too many choices to search for the truly optimal choice (or in your case to wait for it to become available), people will rather choose an option that is good enough. This could be because the cost of searching for the optimal choice outweighs the benefits or because humans are often not capable of mentally finding an optimal solution to a complicated problem (without the use of a computer).

Investopedia defines satisficing as:

A decision-making strategy that aims for a satisfactory or adequate result, rather than the optimal solution. This is because aiming for the optimal solution may necessitate needless expenditure of time, energy and resources. The term "satisfice" was coined by American scientist and Noble-laureate Herbert Simon in 1956.

In your example sentence, you might even want to just use sufficient or adequate.

Solution 4:

A case of any port in the/a storm

When you have no choice, any port in a storm refers to a solution you accept, which in normal circumstances you would find unacceptable.

"The hotel was substandard, but it was a case of any port in a storm; all the others were full."

Taking pot luck

Accept whatever is available without knowing what it will be like.

"We were so hungry we decided to take pot luck and stopped at the first restaurant we saw."

Making the best of a bad situation

To do as well as possible under conditions that are not satisfactory

"The only way to survive being jailed is to make the best of a bad situation."

Solution 5:

Tallest man in the midget parade

Used when making a comparison among a group where none are outstanding.

It's certainly an idiom, though you would have to consider whether it is appropriate for your intended audience.