Solution 1:

As you and khelwood already noticed, 0.4 cannot be exactly represented as a float. Why? It is two fifth (4/10 == 2/5) which does not have a finite binary fraction representation.

Try this:

from fractions import Fraction
Fraction('8.0') // Fraction('0.4')
    # or equivalently
    #     Fraction(8, 1) // Fraction(2, 5)
    # or
    #     Fraction('8/1') // Fraction('2/5')
# 20


Fraction('8') // Fraction(0.4)
# 19

Here, 0.4 is interpreted as a float literal (and thus a floating point binary number) which requires (binary) rounding, and only then converted to the rational number Fraction(3602879701896397, 9007199254740992), which is almost but not exactly 4 / 10. Then the floored division is executed, and because

19 * Fraction(3602879701896397, 9007199254740992) < 8.0


20 * Fraction(3602879701896397, 9007199254740992) > 8.0

the result is 19, not 20.

The same probably happens for

8.0 // 0.4

I.e., it seems floored division is determined atomically (but on the only approximate float values of the interpreted float literals).

So why does

floor(8.0 / 0.4)

give the "right" result? Because there, two rounding errors cancel each other out. First 1) the division is performed, yielding something slightly smaller than 20.0, but not representable as float. It gets rounded to the closest float, which happens to be 20.0. Only then, the floor operation is performed, but now acting on exactly 20.0, thus not changing the number any more.

1) As Kyle Strand points out, that the exact result is determined then rounded isn't what actually happens low2)-level (CPython's C code or even CPU instructions). However, it can be a useful model for determining the expected 3) result.

2) On the lowest 4) level, however, this might not be too far off. Some chipsets determine float results by first computing a more precise (but still not exact, simply has some more binary digits) internal floating point result and then rounding to IEEE double precision.

3) "expected" by the Python specification, not necessarily by our intuition.

4) Well, lowest level above logic gates. We don't have to consider the quantum mechanics that make semiconductors possible to understand this.

Solution 2:

After checking the semi-official sources of the float object in cpython on github ( one can understand what happens here.

For normal division float_div is called (line 560) which internally converts the python floats to c-doubles, does the division and then converts the resulting double back to a python float. If you simply do that with 8.0/0.4 in c you get:

#include "stdio.h"
#include "math.h"

int main(){
    double vx = 8.0;
    double wx = 0.4;
    printf("%lf\n", floor(vx/wx));
    printf("%d\n", (int)(floor(vx/wx)));

// gives:
// 20.000000
// 20

For the floor division, something else happens. Internally, float_floor_div (line 654) gets called, which then calls float_divmod, a function that is supposed to return a tuple of python floats containing the floored division, as well as the mod/remainder, even though the latter is just thrown away by PyTuple_GET_ITEM(t, 0). These values are computed the following way (After conversion to c-doubles):

  1. The remainder is computed by using double mod = fmod(numerator, denominator).
  2. The numerator is reduced by mod to get a integral value when you then do the division.
  3. The result for the floored division is calculated by effectively computing floor((numerator - mod) / denominator)
  4. Afterwards, the check already mentioned in @Kasramvd's answer is done. But this only snaps the result of (numerator - mod) / denominator to the nearest integral value.

The reason why this gives a different result is, that fmod(8.0, 0.4) due to floating-point arithmetic gives 0.4 instead of 0.0. Therefore, the result that is computed is actually floor((8.0 - 0.4) / 0.4) = 19 and snapping (8.0 - 0.4) / 0.4) = 19 to the nearest integral value does not fix the error made introduced by the "wrong" result of fmod. You can easily chack that in c as well:

#include "stdio.h"
#include "math.h"

int main(){
    double vx = 8.0;
    double wx = 0.4;
    double mod = fmod(vx, wx);
    printf("%lf\n", mod);
    double div = (vx-mod)/wx;
    printf("%lf\n", div);

// gives:
// 0.4
// 19.000000

I would guess, that they chose this way of computing the floored division to keep the validity of (numerator//divisor)*divisor + fmod(numerator, divisor) = numerator (as mentioned in the link in @0x539's answer), even though this now results in a somewhat unexpected behavior of floor(8.0/0.4) != 8.0//0.4.

Solution 3:

@jotasi explained the true reason behind it.

However if you want to prevent it, you can use decimal module which was basically designed to represent decimal floating point numbers exactly in contrast to binary floating point representation.

So in your case you could do something like:

>>> from decimal import *
>>> Decimal('8.0')//Decimal('0.4')


Solution 4:

Ok after a little bit of research I have found this issue. What seems to be happening is, that as @khelwood suggested 0.4 evaluates internally to 0.40000000000000002220, which when dividing 8.0 yields something slightly smaller than 20.0. The / operator then rounds to the nearest floating point number, which is 20.0, but the // operator immediately truncates the result, yielding 19.0.

This should be faster and I suppose its "close to the processor", but I it still isn't what the user wants / is expecting.

Solution 5:

That's because there is no 0.4 in python (floating-point finite representation) it's actually a float like 0.4000000000000001 which makes the floor of division to be 19.

>>> floor(8//0.4000000000000001)

But the true division (/) returns a reasonable approximation of the division result if the arguments are floats or complex. And that's why the result of 8.0/0.4 is 20. It actually depends on the size of arguments (in C double arguments). (not rounding to nearest float)

Read more about pythons integer division floors by Guido himself.

Also for complete information about the float numbers you can read this article

For those who have interest, the following function is the float_div that does the true division task for float numbers, in Cpython's source code:

float_div(PyObject *v, PyObject *w)
    double a,b;
    if (b == 0.0) {
                        "float division by zero");
        return NULL;
    PyFPE_START_PROTECT("divide", return 0)
    a = a / b;
    return PyFloat_FromDouble(a);

Which the final result would be calculated by function PyFloat_FromDouble:

PyFloat_FromDouble(double fval)
    PyFloatObject *op = free_list;
    if (op != NULL) {
        free_list = (PyFloatObject *) Py_TYPE(op);
    } else {
        op = (PyFloatObject*) PyObject_MALLOC(sizeof(PyFloatObject));
        if (!op)
            return PyErr_NoMemory();
    /* Inline PyObject_New */
    (void)PyObject_INIT(op, &PyFloat_Type);
    op->ob_fval = fval;
    return (PyObject *) op;