Calling getters on an object vs. storing it as a local variable (memory footprint, performance)

I'd nearly always prefer the local variable solution.

Memory footprint

A single local variable costs 4 or 8 bytes. It's a reference and there's no recursion, so let's ignore it.


If this is a simple getter, the JVM can memoize it itself, so there's no difference. If it's a expensive call which can't be optimized, memoizing manually makes it faster.


Follow the DRY principle. In your case it hardly matters as the local variable name is character-wise as about as long as the method call, but for anything more complicated, it's readability as you don't have to find the 10 differences between the two expressions. If you know they're the same, so make it clear using the local variable.


Imagine your SelectItem does not accept nulls and your program is multithreaded. The value of listType.getDescription() can change in the meantime and you're toasted.


Having a local variable containing an interesting value is an advantage.

The only thing to win by omitting the local variable is saving one line. So I'd do it only in cases when it really doesn't matter:

  • very short expression
  • no possible concurrent modification
  • simple private final getter

I think the way number two is definitely better because it improves readability and maintainability of your code which is the most important thing here. This kind of micro-optimization won't really help you in anything unless you writing an application where every millisecond is important.

I'm not sure either is preferred. What I would prefer is clearly readable code over performant code, especially when that performance gain is negligible. In this case I suspect there's next to no noticeable difference (especially given the JVM's optimisations and code-rewriting capabilities)

In the context of imperative languages, the value returned by a function call cannot be memoized (See because there is no guarantee that the function has no side effect. Accordingly, your strategy does indeed avoid a function call at the expense of allocating a temporary variable to store a reference to the value returned by the function call. In addition to being slightly more efficient (which does not really matter unless the function is called many times in a loop), I would opt for your style due to better code readability.

I agree on everything. About the readability I'd like to add something: I see lots of programmers doing things like:

if (item.getFirst().getSecond().getThird().getForth() == 1 ||

item.getFirst().getSecond().getThird().getForth() == 2 ||

item.getFirst().getSecond().getThird().getForth() == 3)

Or even worse:


If you are calling the same chain of 10 getters several times, please, use an intermediate variable. It's just much easier to read and debug