How can I prevent myself from getting stressed during gameplay in video games? [duplicate]

Solution 1:

Plarium says that you should rest from it once in a while.

Stress from video games as common as it is on the internet, has many websites representing how to deal with it. Here is a list:

  • Quora

  • Reddit

  • Wikihow

  • Medium

  • The Gamer


1/3 of websites call it "Gamer Rage" and so it gets the definition of frustration of games and that, and my recommendation from Plarium overall, if you love playing games, is that you should lower the difficulty (I don't understand why Minecraft is part of your tags' list of anger) of the game. For Minecraft, you can do normal mode. If you don't like playing games very often, you should focus the anger on something useless...

If your anger is still present after this, pour water on your head or drink coffee (notice that it is just a game), and keep playing if desired, note that nobody is perfect in anything, so you should just try your best to not freak out.