What good are all the golden swords looted from zombie pigmen?

I have a bunch of golden swords from the pigmen. What good are they? Can I change them into gold bars or nuggets or something else useful?

You can:

  1. Enchant them with lvl-30 enchants and use them against the zombie pigmen!
  2. Drop them all one at a time into a pit of lava!
  3. Put them in a chest!
  4. Combine them all together into one uber-sword!
  5. Throw them at zombies!
  6. Make a giant wall of item frames of golden swords, and rotate them to make a maze!
  7. Use hoppers, dispensers and item lifters to make a continuous golden sword waterfall!
  8. Make a gold sword sorting system and try to collect one of every enchantment!
  9. Mine diamonds with them!
  10. Throw them at endermen!

The sky is the limit really, just up to your imagination and creativity. After all, isn't that what MineCraft is all about? :)

No, the swords that Pigmen drop are useless, unless you want some things to enchant lvl 1 when so you can change the enchantments in the enchantment table. If you are playing modded you may be able to turn the swords into ingots but if you are playing vanilla the first option is the only option I am aware of.

They provide a good source of, well, golden swords.

You can craft 2 partially broken golden swords together to get a repaired one. Other then that, as Dark Afterburn said, there's no use of golden swords in unmodded Minecraft.