Is there a redstone device that can gather lava buckets hands off?

My nether portal is a stone throw away from a lava lake. I've been using a crab load of buckets to keep my furnaces running for building materials.

I'm trying to cut the work down and not run around all the time. I'm trying to figure out if it's possible to have a redstone device that I can just drop buckets in and it'll gather the lava for me.

I've been doing some tests but I keep getting buckets spat into the lava pool and I'm not desiring to lose more iron. Just seeing if it's possible. Or worthwhile.

If you are getting buckets spat into the lava pool, it is either because you are dispensing buckets using a dropper or because you are dispensing them into flowing lava instead of source blocks.

Unlike water, lava doesn't create source blocks. This means you can't create infinite lava sources like you can with water, and unfortunately you cannot automate the full process.

You can, however, semi-automate this process by creating a system where you use one bucket to transport the lava between the lava lake and the machine, and the machine will fill each bucket from an input hopper. You can check out many tutorials online to help you with this, or see if you can find a bug online that can help you create an infinite lava source.