Copy multiple files from s3 bucket

Also one can use the --recursive option, as described in the documentation for cp command. It will copy all objects under a specified prefix recursively.


aws s3 cp s3://folder1/folder2/folder3 . --recursive

will grab all files under folder1/folder2/folder3 and copy them to local directory.

You might want to use "sync" instead of "cp". The following will download/sync only the files with the ".txt" extension in your local folder:

aws s3 sync --exclude="*" --include="*.txt" s3://mybucket/mysubbucket .

As per the doc you can use include and exclude filters with s3 cp as well. So you can do something like this:

aws s3 cp s3://bucket/folder/ . --recursive --exclude="*" --include="2017-12-20*"

Make sure you get the order of exclude and include filters right as that could change the whole meaning.

There is a bash script which can read all the filenames from a file filename.txt.

set -e  
while read line  
  aws s3 cp s3://bucket-name/$line dest-path/  
done <filename.txt

Tried all the above. Not much joy. Finally, adapted @rajan's reply into a one-liner:

for file in whatever*.txt; do { aws s3 cp $file s3://somewhere/in/my/bucket/; } done