Get short date for System Nullable datetime (datetime ?) in C#

You need to use .Value first (Since it's nullable).

var shortString = yourDate.Value.ToShortDateString();

But also check that yourDate has a value:

if (yourDate.HasValue) {
   var shortString = yourDate.Value.ToShortDateString();

string.Format("{0:d}", dt); works:

DateTime? dt = (DateTime?)DateTime.Now;
string dateToday = string.Format("{0:d}", dt);


If the DateTime? is null this returns an empty string.

Note that the "d" custom format specifier is identical to ToShortDateString.

That function is absolutely available within the DateTime class. Please refer to the MSDN documentation for the class:

Since Nullable is a generic on top of the DateTime class you will need to use the .Value property of the DateTime? instance to call the underlying class methods as seen below:

DateTime? date;
String shortDateString;
shortDateString = date.Value.ToShortDateString();

Just be aware that if you attempt this while date is null an exception will be thrown.

If you want to be guaranteed to have a value to display, you can use GetValueOrDefault() in conjunction with the ToShortDateString method that other postelike this:


This will show 01/01/0001 if the value happened to be null.

Check if it has value, then get required date

if (nullDate.HasValue)