What are your favorite hardware deals sites? [closed]

I hope this is not off topic, after all many of us are in charge of buying and/or replacing the machines and equipment that we maintain, so I'm curious ...

What sites do you go to find the good deals on hardware, components, and gadgets and why? What's its competitive advantage?

I'll post mine below.

So here my answer/list to start ... I find that aggregator deal sites that are either completely or mostly tech focused are best. If a good deal pops up Amazon.com, Geeks.com, etc., they'll quickly appear on the aggregators, too, but there are some exceptions where to wait is to possibly miss out (woot!).

I regularly search these for myself & my clients (or just a bit of procrastination). I save them in a firefox folder and use "Open All in Tabs" almost daily.

dealcritic.com - people vote up the best deals, so you immediately get a sense of how much of a value it is

bensbargains.net - has trackers for certain hot products, quick, simple search

fatwallet.com - good for finding coupon codes and discussion on various deals if you're unsure of the product or merchant

dealnews.com - wide range of deals and coupon codes

dealnews.com/memory (aka dealram) - quickly find the best prices on the exact ram you need

pricewatch.com - great categorization, numerous merchants, great for searching when you need a certain type of product but you don't need a particular brand or model

froogle.com - quickly find an exact product (brand & model), but i prefer pricewatch for product types

NewEgg.com - Excellent comments and voting on the products and the best prices

TigerDirect.com, CompUSA.com, & InfoTelDistributors.com - Good prices and selection, easy to purchase items from them.

These are the sites that I have found a great many good deals for hardware.


Another aggregator site that I sometimes find good deal through: www.techbargains.com

For the UK I like dabs.com and ebuyer.com

You can stay apprised of various deals of the day with desktop application Wootalyzer. It has a General/Tech section with Newegg, Pacific Geek, Buy.com, Tiger Direct, and others.

(Also many other non-tech DotD sites.)

Of course something useful needs to be offered, and don't buy impulsively. You can get some of the best deals this way but remember to compare prices; frequently something you want but don't yet need isn't truly discounted enough compared to the competition to warrant immediate purchase. By the time you do it may have dropped to an equivalent price anyways.