iTunes smart playlist not syncing to iPhone

Solution 1:

I had the same problem, try:

  1. right click the playlist
  2. click 'duplicate'
  3. delete the old playlist
  4. then re-sync your iPhone/iPod or whatever

This worked out fine for me, i then just renamed the playlist taking '1' off the end (you'll know what i mean) - hope this helps!

Solution 2:

I had the same problem with songs duplicating on my iPhone from smart lists. I fixed it by going into the smart list criteria and un-checking the box titled "Live Updating". then I updated the lists on my phone - all the duplicates were removed.

Solution 3:

I had the same problem the other day. Turns out iTunes lost the path between the playlists and my music folder location on my computer. If you go to the iTunes "Library" box on the left, select "Music" then go to the main screen and look at all of your songs in the "Songs" format. Scroll down through and if any of them show exclamation points to the left of the song's name, that means the path has been lost. If you try to play the song, a window will pop up telling you iTunes cannot find the song. It should ask you to search for the path. When you select "Yes", a search window will pop up. Just navigate to the current folder where your music is on your computer. Once you select the path, it should ask if you want to complete this task for all your songs. Select "yes" or "ok" (I can't remember which one exactly). This fixed my problem immediately. Good Luck.