How to make iCloud on Windows sync bookmarks with Safari, not Internet Explorer

I'm trying to get iCloud on my PC to sync its bookmarks with Safari, not Internet Explorer.

According to Apple's documentation, it is possible to sync iCloud bookmarks to Safari on Windows:

You can sync bookmarks between your computer and your iOS device. When syncing is enabled, all bookmarks will sync. You can sync bookmarks with the following applications:

  • Safari (Mac OS X)
  • Safari for Windows (Windows XP, Windows Vista, and Windows 7)
  • Microsoft Internet Explorer

My bookmarks are syncing fine between iPhone and iPad, so I'm sure I've got that end set up correctly.

I do have Safari 5.1.1 (7534.51.22) installed on my Windows 7 PC.

However, my iCloud control panel is only offering me the option to sync Bookmarks with Internet Explorer, and not Safari:

screenshot of iCloud control panel

Things I've tried:

  • I've read through the notes on Apple's iCloud: Troubleshooting iCloud Bookmarks, and can't see anything about it failing to spot that Safari is installed.
  • Uninstalled and re-installed Safari

Is there anything else I should try, to get iCloud on Windows to offer syncing with Safari?

(I daren't turn on syncing Bookmarks with Internet Explorer, as I have hundreds of bookmarks there, that I don't want synced to my mobile devices)

Unfortunately you have to turn it on and then it will let you change it. I'll have a look tomorrow to see if there is a preference file that can easily be changed to skip having to sync with IE.

I wanted to add. I actually performed the same action that Clare tried by moving my IE favorites before syncing. Everything worked as it did for her, but I noticed that I had to hit the "apply" button in order for the changes to take affect.

Knowing that, I chanced moving the IE favorites back unsyncing and resyincing using the Windows 7 iCloud control panel and then chose to sync with Safari instead of IE. It worked perfectly!! :)

Just thought this might help any future guests to this site. As long as you don't hit apply, it won't automatically pollute Safari and iCloud with your IE favorites which is precisely what I did not want either. At least that was my experience.

Hope this helps!!!