It seems that my resource pack has an error, specifically with lava flowing. My image is 16x256 (its an 8x8 texture pack) so it should work normally. Has anyone had this issue and knows how to solve it? Here's what it looks like:

Lava Flowing

Obviously I want it to all look flush like normal lava. Here's the lava_flow image:


Any ideas on the issue? I looked it up and found that if the dimensions aren't divisible this might happen but the vanilla file is 32x512 and 16x256 is exactly half of that.

Solution 1:

Most likely, the 16x256 version of the pack isn't being scaled up correctly. Minecraft is very specific about exact file dimensions, and doesn't handle scaling too well.

Upgrade to 32x512.

Solution 2:

Flowing lava at certain flow amounts has a block model. So, while the side of a full block of flowing lava is a normal cubic flat block, the flowing onto the ground parts have a block model, and rather than applying a flat texture the texture is used as a UV texture. Since the texture is being used as a UV texture and being downscaled, it doesn't have all the pixels needed to complete texturing the model. All that needs to be done to fix it is to scale it up to double by a Neighboring Pixels scaling method. This way, the half as large size is visually seen but technically the image is the same size as the vanilla.