How long does it take a hopper to deposit ONE item into a chest?

How many in-game ticks or real life time does it take a hopper to deposit ONE item into a chest?

Solution 1:

It will take 8 ticks to deposit one item. It will take a different time to Deposit into other kinds of chest though.

Solution 2:

From the wiki:

Hoppers have a "transfer cooldown" time. After pulling and/or pushing items, a hopper waits 4 redstone ticks (0.4 seconds, barring lag) before pulling or pushing again (a transfer rate of 2.5 items per second, barring lag).

That means that the time to deposit one item is actually 0 seconds (it disappears pretty much instantly out of the hopper when you put it in manually), but depositing 2 items takes 0.4 seconds (or 8 game ticks), depositing 3 items takes 0.8 seconds (or 16 game ticks) and so on.