Pivot String column on Pyspark Dataframe
Solution 1:
Assuming that (id |type | date)
combinations are unique and your only goal is pivoting and not aggregation you can use first
(or any other function not restricted to numeric values):
from pyspark.sql.functions import first
.groupby(df_data.id, df_data.type)
## +---+----+------+------+------+
## | id|type|201601|201602|201603|
## +---+----+------+------+------+
## | 2| C| DOCK| null| null|
## | 0| A| DOCK| PORT| PORT|
## | 1| B| PORT| DOCK| null|
## +---+----+------+------+------+
If these assumptions is not correct you'll have to pre-aggregate your data. For example for the most common ship
from pyspark.sql.functions import max, struct
.groupby("id", "type", "date", "ship")
.groupby("id", "type")
.agg(max(struct("count", "ship")))
## +---+----+--------+--------+--------+
## | id|type| 201601| 201602| 201603|
## +---+----+--------+--------+--------+
## | 2| C|[1,DOCK]| null| null|
## | 0| A|[1,DOCK]|[1,PORT]|[1,PORT]|
## | 1| B|[1,PORT]|[1,DOCK]| null|
## +---+----+--------+--------+--------+
Solution 2:
In case, if someone is looking for SQL style approach.
rdd = spark.sparkContext.parallelize(
(0, "A", 223,"201603", "PORT"),
(0, "A", 22,"201602", "PORT"),
(0, "A", 422,"201601", "DOCK"),
(1,"B", 3213,"201602", "DOCK"),
(1,"B", 3213,"201601", "PORT"),
(2,"C", 2321,"201601", "DOCK")
df_data = spark.createDataFrame(rdd, ["id","type", "cost", "date", "ship"])
dt_vals=spark.sql("select collect_set(date) from df").collect()[0][0]
['201601', '201602', '201603']
dt_vals_colstr=",".join(["'" + c + "'" for c in sorted(dt_vals)])
Part-1 (Note the f
format specifier)
select * from
(select id , type, date, ship from df)
pivot (
first(ship) for date in ({dt_vals_colstr})
|id |type|201601|201602|201603|
|1 |B |PORT |DOCK |null |
|2 |C |DOCK |null |null |
select * from
(select id , type, date, ship from df)
pivot (
case when count(*)=0 then null
else struct(count(*),first(ship)) end for date in ({dt_vals_colstr})
|id |type|201601 |201602 |201603 |
|1 |B |[1, PORT]|[1, DOCK]|null |
|2 |C |[1, DOCK]|null |null |
|0 |A |[1, DOCK]|[1, PORT]|[1, PORT]|