Linux QoS: bulk data transmission during idle times

How would I do a QoS setup where a certain low-priority data stream would get up to X Mbps of bandwidth, but only if the current total bandwidth (of all streams/classes) on this interface does not exceed X? At the same time, other data streams / classes must not be limited to X.

The use case is an ISP billing the traffic by calculating the bandwidth average over 5 minute intervals and billing the maximum. I would like to keep the maximum usage to a minimum (i.e. quench the bulk transfer during interface busy times) but get the data through during idle/low traffic times.

Looking at the frequently used classful schedulers CBQ, HTB and HSFC I cannot see a straightforward way to accomplish this.

I got this to work in hfsc. I assume "X" in your example is 100mbit, but that could be anything of course..

The trick here is to create a tree class like so:

+--------------------------------------------------------------+  +---------------------+
|                                                              |  |        1:1          |
|                            root                              |  |---------------------|
|                              +                               |  | Rate: 100mbit       |
|                              |                               |  | Upper Rate: 100mbit |
|                              |                               |  |                     |
|                              |                               |  |                     |
|                              |                               |  |                     |
|                         +----v------+                        |  +---------------------+
|                         |  1:1      |                        |
|                         |           |                        |  +---------------------+
|                         +--+---+----+                        |  |         1:10        |
|                            |   |                             |  |---------------------|
|                            |   |                             |  | Rate: 100mbit       |
|                            |   |                             |  | Upper Rate: 100mbit |
|                            |   |                             |  |                     |
|          +----------+------+   +--------+----------+         |  |                     |
|          |  1:10    |                   |  1:11    |         |  |                     |
|          |          |                   |          |         |  +---------------------+
|          +----------+                   +----------+         |
|                                                              |  +---------------------+
|                                                              |  |         1:11        |
|                                                              |  |---------------------|
|                                                              |  | Rate: 10kbit        |
+--------------------------------------------------------------+  | Upper Rate: 100mbit |
                                                                  |                     |
                                                                  |                     |
                                                                  |                     |

The magic happens because class 1:10 (default class) is setup to always get a guaranteed bandwidth of 100mbit, whereas the 'slow' class 1:11 is offered a guaranteed bandwidth of only 10kbit bursting to 100mbit.

This forces the root class (1:1) to always honour the needs of 1:10 over 1:11.

Things to note:

  • Dont use iptables CLASSIFY target to put traffic into 1:11. Its really slow at doing classifications. Use traffic control filters instead. Or if you have a number of applications to go in here and the ports can vary to filter, use a cgroup.
  • Set a default target on hfsc to 1:10.
  • You probably should set the 'slow' link to be at least the tcp maximum segment size of your host. This way you you can try to get your sending application stuck in the slow queue to block for long periods of time without the kernel having to renegotiate window sizes and whatnot.

I tested this having two competing applications send data as fast as possible to a neighbouring host over 2 services. Where one of the services was in class 1:11. They both sent 5 seconds worth of traffic over 100mbit (so 60MB of data streamed). When running classless, as expected both finish in 10 seconds (both sharing the link so the time is divided equally).

With this QoS setup, the priority service finished in 5 seconds whereas the low priority service finished in 10 (as if low priority is waiting for high priority to finish first), which I think is what you want.