Timing issues with OpenVPN and NFS mounts (Debian Squeeze)

I'm trying to mount NFS filesystems over an OpenVPN link on Debian Squeeze. The problem is that the default layout of init scripts and such tries to mount the NFS filesystems before bringing up the VPN. With the default configuration, the system just hangs during boot.

My OpenVPN configuration is standard (a .conf file in /etc/openvpn), and my fstab is /localpath1 nfs rw,acl,relatime,soft,intr 0 0 /localpath2 nfs rw,acl,relatime,soft,intr 0 0 /localpath3 nfs rw,acl,relatime,soft,intr 0 0

I tried adding openvpn vpnname to the stanza for my physical interface (eth1) in /etc/network/interfaces, which makes it try to bring up the VPN when it brings up eth1, but it still tries to mount NFS first.

Shutting down is also an issue: with the default configuration, OpenVPN gets stopped before services which use the NFS mounts, so the halt/reboot hangs.

How can I get this to work? Clean "this is the 'right' way" solutions preferred; pragmatic solutions accepted. :)

Solution 1:

Have you tried the 'bg' mount option? This should allow the mounts to continue booting in the background.