SVN Checkout error on large repositories

I wonder if anyone can help me. We have recently migrated our Subversion repository from a VisualSVN Server on Windows to a subversion server on CentOS.

The migration was succesfull however we are getting the following error message

Error REPORT of svn'/svn/MangoRepository/!svn/vcc/default': Could not read chunk size:
Error connection was closed by server (http://servername)

Now the workaround for this is simply to perform a update on the repo and it will contine where is left off.

Im just wondering if anyone was a permanent fix for this as it can be quite frustrating to repeat my self to 60-70 developers.

I've seen a similar error message when dealing with migrating from a case-insensitive filesystem (windows) to a case sensitive one (Most Unixes). Is there a chance that you have a file called Default in some contexts and default in others?