What race would be better for a beginner in Starcraft 2?

Solution 1:

There was another thread which asked why Protoss was the easiest race. This was closed for obvious reasons, but I'll repeat the answer I wrote:

Protoss have a number of things that make them friendly to new players:

  • Workers don't build buildings. Instead they start buildings and the buildings build themselves
  • Fewer, stronger, units. Protoss units tend to be tougher and more expensive than their Terran and Zerg equivalents. This can mean less micromanaging is necessary.
  • Good static defense. Photon cannons provide both air and ground defense making them a nice staple for new players.
  • Strong gateway units. The bulk of a Protoss force comes out of the Gateway, one of the first structures you build. This emphasis on a tier 1-1.5 (Zealots, Stalkers, Sentries) often makes life easier for new players.

That said, I started with Zerg, and I really enjoy them. Also if you come from more traditional RTS, you might find Terran to be more familiar. In the end, it doesn't matter where you start as long as you put in the time to learn it.

Solution 2:

Simple answer:


In games, whatever faction has humans in it has always, and probably will always, be designed as the most straightforward faction to learn and play. Terrans have been the first campaign in both SC1 and SC2, and have likely been play tested just a little bit better because of that. In short, assume the human bias.

Complicated answer:

The race that fits you.

Pick whichever race sounds the most fun to you, the most like you play other games, and you'll have fun playing it. When you have fun playing it, you'll play it more, and get better faster.

My 10 sec, not to be trusted for any depth, summary is: Zerg use numbers, Protoss use movement, Terran use firepower. (You should look up a more detailed summary, since that's beyond the scope of this question.) So ask yourself: Do you like blowing things up? Swarming? Teleportation? Whichever excites you is the right answer.

Solution 3:

I think your best bet is to play a game or two with each race and see which one you like the best, rather than asking for some kind of generalization on which is "easiest". They're all so different from each other that you will be re-learning parts of the game for each race regardless of which you choose first. Pick whichever one you have the most fun or success with in your practice matches and learn that one.