What is the word(s) used for someone who no one would suspect to do anything bad/evil?

Wolf in sheep's clothing

  • someone or something that seems to be good but is actually not good at all

My grandfather was a wolf in sheep’s clothing – he looked like a sweet old man, but he was really mean.



  1. Having no adverse effect; harmless.


Depending on your sentence, innocuous looking might work better.


Thanks to @AndyT: or seemingly innocuous.

Butter wouldn't melt in her mouth:

Be overly coy or demure; be insincere. For example, She looked quite innocent, as though butter wouldn't melt in her mouth, but we knew better. Already a proverb in John Heywood's collection of 1546, this metaphoric expression alleges that one is literally so cool that butter inside the mouth would not melt.


Used in my experience of someone who is actively attempting to appear innocent whilst not being so. Often used sarcastically where the attempted deception is transparent, but also as a warning where the deceit has apparently been successful.