Is there an English term for being enraged by injustice, or having an extreme emotional stress because of injustice?

Imagine two people had some agreement, maybe involving money, and then one of them feels that the other person wronged him. The person feels an extreme anxiety because of this, and blinded by anger does something disproportionate and unreasonable, for example, kills the offending party.

Sounds like a common theme of many crimes. But does this sensation of rage caused by a real or imaginary injustice have a name?

There is the term irresistible impulse, feeling of injustice might cause an irresistible impulse to do something unreasonable. 


Merriam-Webster defines it as

: extreme anger

: a strong feeling of unhappiness because of something bad, hurtful, or morally wrong

: something that hurts people or is morally wrong

It can be seen as "anger" about what is "morally wrong/unjust."

'Righteous indignation' is the term for that sensation of rage.


retribution, retributive justice; anger and contempt combined with a feeling that it is one's right to feel that way; anger without guilt

I don't believe there's a word that packs in both the emotions you describe. For a good verb describing rage, I'd used "incensed".

"2: to arouse the extreme anger or indignation of"
