In search of an idiom expressing "To lay the grapes into somebody's mouth"

I am asking if there is a similar idiom like the German expression "Jemanden die Trauben in den Mund legen" - "to lay the grapes into somebody's mouth".

To say: You need to study that for yourself and should not expect that others always give you the fruits of effort.

Solution 1:

spoon-feed (ODOL)
[with object]

1.1 Provide (someone) with so much help or information that they do not need to think for themselves.
‘Let them find their own way out of their befuddlement: There is no need to spoon-feed them.’

Solution 2:

Some people expect to have everything handed to them on a silver platter, in other words, to be served.

(hand something to somebody) on a silver platter ~ give something to somebody without expecting them to do or give anything in return: "I don’t like her at all — she expects to be handed everything on a silver platter as if she’s better than other people." A platter is a large plate that is used for serving food.

  • You need to study that for yourself and not expect anyone to hand it to you on a silver platter.

  • He never had to work a day in his life, everything was handed to him on a silver platter; I mean he was born with a silver spoon in his mouth, under a lucky star.

  • Handing them everything on a silver platter will not serve to build their character; it only makes them weaker.

Solution 3:

If you're looking for an idiom, you could say:

Pull yourself up by your own bootstraps.

And I will add from my comments a personal favorite:

Here, let me google that for you.

For the latter, it's only used as a sarcastic response when asked a question that can be easily found online.

For the bootstrap phrase, this doesn't just refer to learning though. It can refer to any personal success where one succeeded by virtue of their own determination.

Fun nerd fact, this is where we get the computer term 'bootstrapping'. See:

With regard to that link, I don't agree with the part that says [achievement] "with minimal resources", but think the more general "with existing resources" part is more accurate.

Solution 4:

In this situation I use fend for oneself.

To look after or take care of oneself without assistance from anyone else.(TFD)

For an example:

You need to learn to fend for yourself, I'm not gonna be around forever.