Programing Language availability for a Mac [closed]

I want an inexpensive programming language for my Mac. I know Pascal, Fortran, some familiarity with C. I don’t know many recent languages but am willing learn. I just have a Mac , and I want to experiment with programming again after decades of not doing much. In the future, I might want to do I/O to external devices.

Most languages are available to learn on a Mac. To my knowledge, most are free or fairly cheap. You can use gcc as a C and Fortran compiler. gcc is free. I program in Fortran and python. Python is free. And Swift is a popular language to program a Mac or iOS device. The popular editors, Atom and Visual Studio Code, are both used to program in many different languages. The editors have add-on extensions to program these languages. There are extensions for Ruby, python, Fortran, c, javascript, java, Perl, PHP, Lua, and others.