How to place items in the given position in Minecraft?

I would like to place (drop) some items (or "destroyed" blocks) in the given position. The fill command doesn't work here since it places blocks and a user will have to break it to pick up (but the user should be to collect it, see how collect command works). Probably the loot command would be ok, but it is not available at Bedrock Edition.

I can use commands only, command blocks shouldn't be used.

What else could I try?

Solution 1:

Run the following two commands in order:

/fill x y z x y z your_block_here
/setblock x y z x y z air destroy

It's just the commands from Bilal Khalid's answer, except typed in the chat. All commands work in both command blocks AND in the chat.

If you want it all in one command, it may not be possible. Sorry.