How do you quickly clear away trees without destroying my creations

I'm trying to create a theme park, but I forgot to make my world flat before creating it. I've already built a lot so I don't want to destroy my builds. I've tried the /replaceitem command, but it didn't work.

Is there an easy way to get rid of all the trees on my map without destroying my creations?

Solution 1:

  1. Type /gamerule randomTickSpeed 1000 in the chat and press ENTER.
  2. Break the wood blocks of the trees.
  3. The leaves will automatically disappear.
  4. There is no faster solution without using mods, add-ons, or plug-ins. /replaceitem is used for different purposes other than manipulating blocks in your world.

Solution 2:

you can use/fill (corner one) (corner two) air replace oak_log this will change all the oak logs into air blocks in the chosen area, you can also do as many have suggested and also use /gamerule randomtickspeed 100

I hope this can help you!