Do the Passive Shields of the Hero Alts have different hitboxes?

I can't find any place to visually see the hitboxes/hurtboxes of the passive shields of Link (and his variations), and Hero and their alternate costumes.

What I'm wondering is whether the different sizes of shields of the Hero alts affect the hitbox of the shield?

Hero alts crouching

Additional Image (standing)

Notice how DQ8 Hero's shield is MUCH taller than e.g. Erdrick's small shield. Does this have any nonzero in-game affect?

I tried experimenting a bit and there doesn't seem to be any difference, but I want a technical answer from the source code :)

Bonus question: is the shield active at ALL times, or only when standing idle and when crouching?

I want a technical answer from the source code :)

Very well.

Hero params for shield

As you can see, only one set of parameters exists for Hero's shield, not one per costume.