Set scoreboard display to created team

I'm trying to a create a counter that will be visible only to admins on my 1.15 server.

To do so I create a team /team add staff "Staff"

Then create my scoreboard /scoreboard objectives add counter Counter. But when I try to show it to team staff by using /scoreboard setdisplay counter it tells me Unknown display slot

Any help fix it and make my stuffs working would be grateful. thank

Solution 1:

Those slots are for some reason set by colour, not by actual team. I know, the syntax is confusing.

You can assign a colour to a team like this:

/team modify staff color blue

And then show a scoreboard to all blue teams:

/scoreboard objectives setdisplay counter

This also means that you can have at most 17 sidebars visible to different people at a time, one per colour and one for everyone else (no colour or no team is different from white and you can get it back with /team modify staff color reset).