Can I Choose the Install Location of 'Path of Exile'?

I'd like to install Path of Exile to an external hard drive, since I'll never be able to download it at home.

But when I run the launcher, it starts 'Allocating Space', which leads me to believe it already knows where it's going to download and install the game to.

Is there a way I can force it to install to a certain location?

Solution 1:

Even though this thread is very old, I'd like to give an updated answer because this thread is ranked #1 on Google.

In the current installer, the setting is hidden. When you first open it, before accepting the EULA and clicking Install, there is an Options button next to Install. This is where you can find the settings now.

Solution 2:

You clicked 'Next Next Next' too much without reading what was going on when running the installer:

enter image description here

If you've already got to the 'Allocate Space' stage, you will need to cancel out of it, uninstall whatever has already been downloaded, and then run the installer again.

Solution 3:

I would like to add that for me, simply dragging and dropping the pre-install folder to different place worked just fine.