How to teleport an entity behind the player? [duplicate]
Already found similar posts like (How to execute a command relative to an entity), but those are some years old already and very outdated, what would be the new way to use the execute command relative (e.g. slightly behind) an entity? I'd guess it something with at @s[z=.5]
or using the positioned tag, but neither of those worked yet. This is what I would like to accomplish, so that only in the right get stop the run command when they are in range, not both on the right and the left.
This is the actual detection range, where it detects the armor stand behind an infront of it.
And this would be the new detection range, where it only stops my execute command, when theres an armor stand in front of it.
All in all what I need is a way to reposition the anchor of the distance=0.5..1 tag, so that it's not the entity itself but rather e.g. +0.5 in the z coordinate
Solution 1:
You're probably looking for "local coordinates". /execute positioned ^ ^ ^-.5
moves the execution position half a block back.