What's the best way to wind a MagSafe 2 around the clip and power brick to make it easier to transport?

I'll try to describe it as best as I can.

The thin MagSafe cable wraps around the fold out wings. On that cable you will feel a small plastic clip that slides along the cable. You want to slide this along the cable towards the MagSafe end of the cable, away from the power brick.

You will then hold the power brick in one hand and the thin cable in the other. Start wrapping it around the wings from there, sliding your hand along the cable as you go, keeping it fairly tight around the wings. When you get to the end, use the small plastic clip to fasten the cable to itself, securing it around the wings.

Next is the extension cable, this won't wrap around the wings. So this is down to personal preference. I usually coil it in loops then twist the last foot or so within itself. But being blind this may be more difficult than necessary. Another option is to wrap the cable around the power brick, crossways over the already secured thin cable, and hold it in place with a rubber band or hair tie etc.

In the end, wrapping serves only two purposes:

  • avoid entanglements with other items in the bag - you can mitigate that by putting your charger and cables inside their own small light bag and not worry.
  • avoiding a bend being always in the same place or a bend being tighter than the bend radius for the cables. As long as you don't crimp and pinch the cables, any smooth coil works well for longevity.

I realize your post states you're completely blind, but I had to add pictures to make it absolutely clear to a sighted helper what I'm attempting to describe to you. My answer may also help others have a healthier relationship with their MagSafe charger cables.

The MagSafe cable, where it connects to the power brick, tends to get too severely bent with 'normal usage', even though there is additional strain- and bend-relief built into the cable, and the cable integrity can be compromised. When winding the MagSafe cable for transport, I tend to position the bend-relief section of the cable so it sticks straight out from the power brick, then proceed to wind the MagSafe cable firmly around the wings. When wound correctly, and the last 2 inches of the cable is free, I loop the the MagSafe cable around the winding, and the connector neatly sits protected, inside the windings, at the top of the power brick between a wing and the bend-relief:

enter image description here

The power cable is wound neatly and fastened using a single Velcro-brand "One Wrap Thin Tie". The power cable has a natural tendency to coil in a particular radius which is optimal for keeping the wrap neat. Follow that coil, place the tie-wrap in the right spot, and all is neat.

enter image description here

I've been throwing this power supply in and out of my bag weekly for the past few years. I'm a little OCD, and I treat my equipment with care, so YMMV.