How do I implement a retry option for failed stages in Jenkins pipelines?

Solution 1:

You should be able to combine retry + input to do that Something like that

stage('deploy-test') {
   try {
     build 'yourJob'
   } catch(error) {
     echo "First build failed, let's retry if accepted"
     retry(2) {
        input "Retry the job ?"
        build 'yourJob'

you could also use timeout for the input if you want it to finish if nobody validates. There is also waitUntil that might be useful but i haven't used it yet

Edit : WaitUntil seems definitely the best, you should play with it a bit but something like that is cleaner :

stage('deploy-test') {
   waitUntil {
     try {
       build 'yourJob'
     } catch(error) {
        input "Retry the job ?"

By the way, there is doc all of the steps here

Solution 2:

This one with a nice incremental wait

stage('deploy-test') {
 def retryAttempt = 0
 retry(2) {
    if (retryAttempt > 0) {
       sleep(1000 * 2 + 2000 * retryAttempt)

    retryAttempt = retryAttempt + 1
    input "Retry the job ?"
    build 'yourJob'

Solution 3:

This gist (not mine) was one of the better options that I found while trying to implement this functionality too.

Changed it to a method in a shared library that just did retry or abort for my needs. Also added a max retries and made the timeout variable so that we could change it depending on the job or stage that needs it.


def class PipelineHelper {
    def steps

    PipelineHelper(steps) {
        this.steps = steps

    void retryOrAbort(final Closure<?> action, int maxAttempts, int timeoutSeconds, final int count = 0) {
        steps.echo "Trying action, attempt count is: ${count}"
        try {
        } catch (final exception) {
            steps.echo "${exception.toString()}"
            steps.timeout(time: timeoutSeconds, unit: 'SECONDS') {
                def userChoice = false
                try {
                    userChoice = steps.input(message: 'Retry?', ok: 'Ok', parameters: [
                            [$class: 'BooleanParameterDefinition', defaultValue: true, description: '', name: 'Check to retry from failed stage']])
                } catch (org.jenkinsci.plugins.workflow.steps.FlowInterruptedException e) {
                    userChoice = false
                if (userChoice) {
                    if (count <= maxAttempts) {
                        steps.echo "Retrying from failed stage."
                        return retryOrAbort(action, maxAttempts, timeoutMinutes, count + 1)
                    } else {
                        steps.echo "Max attempts reached. Will not retry."
                        throw exception
                } else {
                    steps.echo 'Aborting'
                    throw exception;

Example usage with a max of 2 retries that waits for 60s for input.

def pipelineHelper = new PipelineHelper(this)

stage ('Retry Example'){
            echo 'Here is an example'
            throw new RuntimeException('This example will fail.')
    }, 2, 60)

Just remember to put nodes inside of the closure so that waiting for an input doesn't block an executor.

If you have the paid jenkins enterprise Cloudbees has a Checkpoint plugin that can better handle this, but it is not planned to be release for open source Jenkins (JENKINS-33846).