Help With Custom Commands on villigers with a custom item 1.15.2

I was trying to get an emerald with a custom color added to it and have a villager sell the emerald. I was doing well getting both to spawn but when I tried to combine the two it didn't work. Can you tell me what I have done wrong?

/summon villager ~ ~1 ~ {VillagerData:{profession:farmer,level:2,type:plains},Offers:{Recipes:[{buy:{id:acacia_boat,Count:1},sell:{id:emerald,Count:1,tag:{display:{Name:"\"aqua\"",Lore:["\"TOKENNNN\""]}}},maxUses:9999999},{buy:{id:acacia_boat,Count:1},buyB:{id:acacia_boat,Count:1},sell:{id:emerald,Count:1,tag:{display:{Name:"\"Token\",\" color\":\"aqua\",\"italic\":true},{\"text\":\"ken\",\"color\":\"aqua\",\"italic\":true}]\",},HideFlags:1}\""}}},maxUses:9999999}]}}

And the expanded command:

/summon villager ~ ~1 ~
   VillagerData:{ profession:farmer, level:2, type:plains },
            buy:{ id:acacia_boat, Count:1 },
            sell:{ id:emerald, Count:1,
               tag:{ display:{ Name:"\"aqua\"", Lore:[ "\"TOKENNNN\"" ] } }
            buy:{ id:acacia_boat, Count:1 },
            buyB:{ id:acacia_boat, Count:1 },
            sell:{ id:emerald, Count:1,
               tag:{ display:{ Name:"\"Token\",\" color\":\"aqua\",\"italic\":true},{\"text\":\"ken\",\"color\":\"aqua\",\"italic\":true}]\",},HideFlags:1}\"" } }

To specify the issue, it is only reading the "TOKEN" part of it and not the rest

Try this command:

/summon villager ~ ~1 ~ {VillagerData:{profession:farmer,level:2,type:plains},Offers:{Recipes:[{buy:{id:acacia_boat, Count:1b},sell:{id:emerald,Count:1b,tag:{display:{Name:"\"aqua\"",Lore:["\"TOKENNNN\""]}}},maxUses:9999999},{buy:{id:acacia_boat, Count:1b},buyB:{id:acacia_boat, Count:1b},sell:{id:emerald,Count:1b,tag:{display:{Name:"[{\"text\":\"Token\",\"color\":\"aqua\",\"italic\":true},{\"text\":\"ken\",\"color\":\"aqua\",\"italic\":true}]"},HideFlags:1}},maxUses:9999999}]}}


/summon villager ~ ~1 ~
  VillagerData: {profession: farmer, level: 2, type: plains},
  Offers: {
    Recipes: [
        buy: {id: acacia_boat, Count: 1b},
        sell: {
          id: emerald,
          Count: 1b,
          tag: {
            display: {
              Name: "\"aqua\"",
              Lore: ["\"TOKENNNN\""]
        maxUses: 9999999
        buy: {id: acacia_boat, Count: 1b},
        buyB: {id:acacia_boat, Count: 1b},
        sell: {
          id: emerald,
          Count: 1b,
          tag: {
            display: {
              Name: "[{\"text\":\"Token\",\"color\":\"aqua\",\"italic\":true},{\"text\":\"ken\",\"color\":\"aqua\",\"italic\":true}]"
            HideFlags: 1
        maxUses: 9999999

The main issue was with your JSON text for the second offer. Yours was (unescaped):

"Token"," color":"aqua","italic":true},{"text":"ken","color":"aqua","italic":true}]",},HideFlags:1}"

Not only did you include the HideFlags NBT tag in the JSON text components, but there are missing brackets and an extra quote and space. The correct JSON is

    "text": "Token",
    "color": "aqua",
    "italic": true
    "text": "ken",
    "color": "aqua",
    "italic": true

Also, you should always include b or B after a byte tag (like in Count).