Is there a word for being on the receiving end of a grudge?

For example; Billy holds a grudge against Sally for something the happened. Is there a concise way to describe the situation from Sally's perspective?

EDIT: I'm looking for Sally as the subject, not the object. Also, kind of an employer/employee relationship (grudge-holder vs. grudge-receiver, but a real word)

Solution 1:

Some ideas from Dimensions Of Forgiveness: A Research Approach by Everett L. Worthington ...

Looking at the bigger picture: the victim is the person (Billy) holding the grudge, and the perpetrator is the person (Sally) who wronged him.

Sally is as yet unforgiven by the victim (Billy) i.e. he harbours a grudge.

google screenshot

Solution 2:

If Sally is on the receiving end of hatred, she is hated.
If Sally is on the receiving end of a grudge, she is resented.

To describe the situation from Sally's perspective:

Alice has a grudge against me.
Alice resents me.

This is because a "grudge" is itself a specific kind of resentment based on grievance.

Sally might also be shunned, disdained, scorned, snubbed, etc., but resentment is the general emotional stance of the "grudge-er" towards the "grudge-ee" (not real words). This is true for a powerful grudge or a mild one; unlike hatred, which can have any justification, a grudge implies that a person was specifically wronged. A powerful grudge might also be described as a desire for revenge or vengeance; then the "revenge-ee" (not a real word) might be described according to their specific wrongdoing: "my attacker," "my oppressor," etc. From Sally's perspective: "Alice wants revenge on me."

Note that "begrudge" is a related word, but it takes an object -- either something that is worthy of envy or something that will not be shared. So Alice resents Sally, but she does not "begrudge Sally" -- instead, "Alice begrudges Sally the award." Again, from Sally's perspective:

Alice begrudges giving me the award.

Solution 3:

If you are on the receiving end of a grudge, you are a target.

Oxford Dictionaries:

target: a person or thing against whom criticism or abuse is directed

Your example:

Billy holds a grudge against Sally for something that happened. Is there a concise way to describe the situation from Sally's perspective?

Yes, from Sally's perspective, she considers herself a target.