Is there a common word that describes programming languages, query languages, and markup languages?

Languages such as Java or C# are called programming languages. SQL is a query language and HTML is considered a markup language. I'm looking for an English word that describes all these different kinds of language in the context of software development. Is there such a word?

I guess one possibility would be to call them languages, but then it's a problem that you can't differentiate between these languages and natural languages such as English or Dutch.

Sample sentence:

Alice and Bob put the website together from scratch, employing a variety of (artificial languages) for the front-end, back-end and database-access portions.

Solution 1:

The common word is Code.

Programming languages are broken into their types, which are various. Procedural/Object Oriented/Functional Markup/Query etc.

But in your context, you should use the word "Technology Stack" A technology stack or a solution stack is the set of technologies you use to make a software work. They are not necessarily programming languages, they can be server software or tools.

Alice and Bob put the website together from scratch, employing a rich technology stack for the front-end, back-end and database-access portions.

Solution 2:

I would say there is no portmanteau word, and the discussion here and any other that I have read on the subject would seem to bear that out.

If your question is practical rather than theoretical — i.e. you need to set something down in writing — then the term you use depends on your intended audience. A very technical audience might understand the term “Technology Stack” (assuming it is correct) proposed by @SuyashThite, but I, for one, wouldn’t, and I build websites using these technologies.

If I am explaining the work I do to biologists (I build bioinformatics web applications) I tend to use terms like ‘web technologies’ or ‘computing technologies’ to generalize.