Word for accepting a report via a vote

Solution 1:

The usual term in Britain would be adopted.

The report was adopted by the Senate.

It is covered by OED sense 8 of the verb adopt.

  1. trans. To approve or accept (a report, proposal, resolution, etc.) formally; to ratify.

1736 A. Campbell Further Explic. 6 It was agreed, that..they should narrate in their Minutes, That the Committee had not adopted that Report.

1754 B. Franklin in Wks. (1887) II. 355 Plan of Union Adopted by the Convention at Albany.

1864 Weekly New Mexican 3 June 1/4 The house ways and means committee will report a bill having adopted the amendment permitting states to tax the national banks.

1875 T. W. Higginson Young Folks' Hist. U.S. xvii. 164 His resolutions were adopted by a small majority; all the younger members being with him.

1906 J. Galsworthy Man of Prop. 178, I propose then that the report and accounts be adopted.

1958 Oxf. Mail 16 Aug. 8/7 The best balance sheet the club has ever had was unanimously adopted at the annual general meeting of the Oxford Club League.

2000 Slavic Rev. 59 861 The deputies of the Union of 17 October rejected by a very large majority..the resolutions adopted at the Octobrist conference organized by Guchkov.