Clearing Magento Log Data

I have a question regarding clearing of the log data in Magento.

I have more than 2.3GB of data in Magento 1.4.1, and now I want to optimize the database, because it's too slow due to the size of the data. I checked the log info (URL,Visitors) and it shows more than 1.9 GB. If I directly clear those records, will it affect any functionality in the site? How can I clear the log details? By clearing those data will I have or lose any data on my site?

No need to do this yourself, the Magento system has a built-in for cleaning up log information. If you go to

System > Configuration > Advanced > System > Log Cleaning

You can configure your store to automatically clean up these logs.

Cleaning the Magento Logs using SSH :

login to shell(SSH) panel and go with root/shell folder.

execute the below command inside the shell folder

php -f log.php clean

enter this command to view the log data's size

php -f log.php status

This method will help you to clean the log data's very easy way.


TRUNCATE dataflow_batch_export;
TRUNCATE dataflow_batch_import;
TRUNCATE log_customer;
TRUNCATE log_quote;
TRUNCATE log_summary;
TRUNCATE log_summary_type;
TRUNCATE log_url;
TRUNCATE log_url_info;
TRUNCATE log_visitor;
TRUNCATE log_visitor_info;
TRUNCATE log_visitor_online;
TRUNCATE report_viewed_product_index;
TRUNCATE report_compared_product_index;
TRUNCATE report_event;
TRUNCATE index_event;

You can also refer to following tutorial:


TRUNCATE dataflow_batch_export;
TRUNCATE dataflow_batch_import;
TRUNCATE log_customer;
TRUNCATE log_quote;
TRUNCATE log_summary;
TRUNCATE log_summary_type;
TRUNCATE log_url;
TRUNCATE log_url_info;
TRUNCATE log_visitor;
TRUNCATE log_visitor_info;
TRUNCATE log_visitor_online;
TRUNCATE report_viewed_product_index;
TRUNCATE report_compared_product_index;
TRUNCATE report_event;
TRUNCATE index_event;