Ansible: Get all the IP addresses of a group

Let's imagine an inventory file like this:

node-01 ansible_ssh_host=
node-02 ansible_ssh_host=
node-03 ansible_ssh_host=
node-04 ansible_ssh_host=
node-05 ansible_ssh_host=


In my playbook I now want to create some variables containing the IP addresses of the group mainnodes:

  main_nodes_ips: ",,,"
  main_nodes_ips_with_port: ",,,"

This is what I got so far:

  main_nodes_ips: "{{groups['mainnodes']|join(',')}}"
  main_nodes_ips_with_port: "{{groups['mainnodes']|join(':3000,')}}"

but that would use the host names instead of the IP addresses.

Any ideas how this could be done?


looking at the docs for a while, I think this would allow me to loop through all the ip adresses:

{% for host in groups['mainnodes'] %}
{% endfor %}

But I just can't figure out how to create an array that holds all these IPs. So that I can use the |join() command on them.

I just thought I had figured it out... but it turns out that you cannot use the {% %} syntax in the playbook... or can I? Well in the vars section it didn't. :/

  {% set main_nodes_ip_arr=[] %}
  {% for host in groups['mesos-slave'] %}
     {% if main_nodes_ip_arr.insert(loop.index,hostvars[host]['ansible_ssh_host']) %} {% endif %}
  {% endfor %}
  main_nodes_ips: "{{main_nodes_ip_arr|join(',')}}"
  main_nodes_ips_with_port: "{{main_nodes_ip_arr|join(':3000,')}}"

Solution 1:

I find the magic map extract here.

main_nodes_ips: "{{ groups['mainnodes'] | map('extract', hostvars, ['ansible_host']) | join(',') }}"
main_nodes_ips_with_port: "{{ groups['mainnodes'] | map('extract', hostvars, ['ansible_host']) | join(':3000,') }}:3000"

An alternative(idea comes from here):

main_nodes_ips: "{{ groups['mainnodes'] | map('extract', hostvars, ['ansible_eth0', 'ipv4', 'address']) | join(',') }}"

(Suppose the interface is eth0)

Solution 2:

i came across this problem a while back and this is what i came up with (not optimal, but it works)

# playbook.yml
  - hosts: localhost
    connection: local

      - name: create deploy template
          src: iplist.txt
          dest: /tmp/iplist.txt
      - include_vars: /tmp/iplist.txt

      - debug: var=ip

and the template file is

{% for h in groups['webservers'] %}
 - {{ hostvars[h].ansible_ssh_host }}
{% endfor %}

Solution 3:

This do the trick for me. Not relying on the interface name

- main_nodes_ips: "{{ groups['mainnodes'] | map('extract', hostvars, ['ansible_default_ipv4', 'address']) | join(',') }}"