FreeBSD: How to know real file size on zfs with compression on?

I'm using zfs on my FreeBSD 9.0 x64 and pretty happy with it, but I find it hard to count directory real, not compressed, size.

Surely I can walk over the directory and count every file size with ls, but I'd expect some extra key for du for that purpose.

So, how can I tell the directory size for dir placed on zfs with compression on?

Thamk you in advance for the advice, I simple can't rememeber there is no such a 'simple' way, without 'find ./ -type d -exec ls -l '{}' \; | awk ...'!

Solution 1:

Use the du with its -A flag:

root@pg78:/usr/local/pgsql/data/base/218204 # du -A -h 221350.219
1.0G    221350.219
root@pg78:/usr/local/pgsql/data/base/218204 # du -h 221350.219
501M    221350.219

Very handy. It even works with -d for recursive goodness:

root@pg78:/usr/local/pgsql/data/base # du -h -c -d0 .
387G    .
387G    total
root@pg78:/usr/local/pgsql/data/base # du  -A -h -c -d0 .
518G    .
518G    total

Solution 2:

You could install the GNU version of du(1):

cd /usr/ports/sysutils/coreutils && make install clean

Then you can use the --apparent-size flag:

/space# zfs create space/comptest
/space# zfs set compression=on space/comptest
/space# dd if=/dev/zero of=/space/comptest/zerofile bs=1M count=40
/space/comptest# gdu
2K      .
/space/comptest# gdu --apparent-size
40961K  .

Solution 3:

try to use zpool command :

zpool list
storage  8.93T  6.59T  2.34T         -    60%    73%  2.13x  ONLINE  -

but df -sh shows resulting (not deduplicated size)

df -hT
Filesystem     Type      Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
storage        zfs        16T   14T  1.9T  89% /storage