Find files with a minimum filename length

I think the simplest way is to use:

find . -name "??????????*"

where the number of ? characters is equal with n. Is simple because is hard to forget it.

But the nicest way is to use the -regex option to find file names with n or more characters:

find . -regextype posix-egrep -regex ".*[^/]{n}"

where n should be a natural number (the minimum filename length).

See man find fore more about.

You could use the find command with a -regex test

$ find /path/to/folder -regextype posix-basic -regex '.*/.\{5,\}'


$ find /path/to/folder -regextype posix-extended -regex '.*/.{5,}'

Note that -regex is a path match rather than a file match - hence you need to match the leading .*/ as well, before the 5+ character filename

Alternatively, for a pure bash solution, you could enable extended shell globbing and then use the pattern !(@(?|??|???|????)) meaning 'anything that does not match one or two or three or four characters'

$ shopt -s extglob
$ ls -d /path/to/folder/!(@(?|??|???|????))

If you want to include subdirectories, you can enable the globstar option as well and add a ** wildcard i.e.

$ shopt -s extglob globstar
$ ls -d /path/to/folder/**/!(@(?|??|???|????))

for example

$ ls -d **/!(@(?|??|???|????))
abcde  abcdef  abcdefg  subdir  subdir/abcde  subdir/abcdef  subdir/abcdefg

while the non inverted matches (files shorter than 5 characters) are

$ ls -d **/@(?|??|???|????)
a  ab  abc  abcd  subdir/a  subdir/ab  subdir/abc  subdir/abcd

To unset the options afterwards, use

$ shopt -u extglob globstar