Installing a comprehensive LAPACK implementation under Ubuntu

I got the same result by using package manager. I did the following:

sudo apt-get install libblas-dev checkinstall
sudo apt-get install libblas-doc checkinstall
sudo apt-get install liblapacke-dev checkinstall
sudo apt-get install liblapack-doc checkinstall

The libraries went in /usr/lib and the includes in /usr/include.

Thanks to Markus-Hermann for the example code in the previous post. It helped me test it out real quick. Using the default install directories I used the following command:

g++ svd_demo.cpp -I"/usr/include" -L"/usr/lib" -llapacke -lblas

Found a solution that works for me. The bottom line for those who might read this at a later time and with a similar problem: I went to the LAPACK homepage, downloaded the most recent version of LAPACK as a tar gz, unpacked it and followed the instructions issued on installation guide on the same site. Trouble I ran into: In the Makefile I had to reduce the line

all: lapack_install lib blas_testing lapack_testing


all: lapack_install lib

After that


gave me ./liblapack.a and ./libtmglib.a.

So much so Fortran. However, I want something for inserting into a C program. This means I also want LAPACKE.

It may be found in the subdirektory ./lapacke/. There is a CMakeLists.txt which I ignored, calling the already present Makefile directly (it is short and easy to read and it uses the file you create when you follow the installation guide mentioned aboce). Single drawback here was the lack of lapacke_mangling.h which I had to copy into ./lapacke/include/.

This done the call to "make" from inside the directory ./lapacke/ ran with no trouble creating ./lapacke.a and I was ready to write a little demo program:

 * svd_demo.cpp
 * Given that you put version 3.5.0 into /opt/lapack/ compile this with: 
 * g++ svd_demo.cpp -I"/opt/lapack/lapack-3.5.0/lapacke/include" \
 *   -L"/opt/lapack/lapack-3.5.0" -llapacke -llapack -lblas -lcblas
 * The order of included libraries is important!

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <sstream>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <cblas.h>
#include <lapacke.h>

using namespace std;

typedef double value;

/** Column major style! */
string matrix2string(int m, int n, value* A)
  ostringstream oss;
  for (int j=0;j<m;j++)
    for (int k=0;k<n;k++)
      oss << A[j+k*m] << "\t";
    oss << endl;
  return oss.str();

int main(int argc, char** argv)
  //> Part 1. Decomposition. -----------------------------------------
  char jobu  = 'A'; // Return the complete matrix U
  char jobvt = 'A'; // Return the complete matrix VT
  int mA = 2;
  int nA = 3;
  int lda = 2;
  int ldu = 2;
  int ldvt = 3;
  int lwork = 81;
  int info = 0;
  value* A = (value*)malloc(mA*nA*sizeof(value));
  value* U = (value*)malloc(mA*mA*sizeof(value));
  value* VT = (value*)malloc(nA*nA*sizeof(value));
  value* Svec = (value*)malloc(3*sizeof(value));
  value* work = (value*)malloc(lwork*sizeof(value));

  A[0] = 1; A[2] = 2; A[4] = 4;
  A[1] = 0; A[3] = 0; A[5] = 4;

  cout << "Matrix A (will be overwritten, as is documented):" << endl <<

  // Citing lapacke.h
  //lapack_int LAPACKE_dgesvd(int matrix_order, char jobu, char jobvt,
  //   lapack_int m, lapack_int n, double* a,
  //   lapack_int lda, double* s, double* u, lapack_int ldu,
  //   double* vt, lapack_int ldvt, double* superb);

  info = LAPACKE_dgesvd(LAPACK_COL_MAJOR, jobu, jobvt, mA, nA, A, lda, Svec, U, ldu, VT, ldvt, work);
  cout << "Ran dgesvd. Let's see ..." << endl <<
    "U:" << endl << matrix2string(mA,mA,U) <<
    "Svec:" << endl << matrix2string(1,nA,Svec) <<
    "VT:" << endl << matrix2string(nA,nA,VT) <<
    "Info Code: " << info << endl << endl <<
    "All is well." << endl;
  //< ----------------------------------------------------------------
  //> Part 2. Checking the result. -----------------------------------
  value* S = (value*)malloc(mA*nA*sizeof(value));
  S[0] = Svec[0]; S[2] = 0      ; S[4] = 0      ;
  S[1] = 0      ; S[3] = Svec[1]; S[5] = 0      ;

  // Citing cblas.h
  // void cblas_dgemm(const enum CBLAS_ORDER Order, const enum CBLAS_TRANSPOSE TransA,
  //   const enum CBLAS_TRANSPOSE TransB, const int M, const int N,
  //   const int K, const double alpha, const double *A,
  //   const int lda, const double *B, const int ldb,
  //   const double beta, double *C, const int ldc);

  // work := S*VT; (2x3)=(2x3)*(3x3)
  cblas_dgemm(CblasColMajor,CblasNoTrans,CblasNoTrans,mA,nA,nA,1,S,lda,VT,ldvt,0,work,lda)    ;
  cout << "Step 1: S*VT" << endl << matrix2string(2,3,work);

  // A := U*work; (2x2)*(2x3)
  cout << "A := U*S*VT:" << endl << matrix2string(mA,nA,A) << endl;
  //< ----------------------------------------------------------------
  free(A); free(U); free(VT); free(Svec); free(work); free(S);
  return EXIT_SUCCESS;

Which on my system now produces the output

1       2       4
0       0       4
Ran dgesvd. Let's see ...
-0.759729       -0.65024
-0.65024        0.759729
5.89017 1.51851 0
-0.128982       -0.257965       -0.957506
-0.42821        -0.856419       0.288414
-0.894427       0.447214        -7.48099e-18
Info Code: 0

All is well.
Step 1: S*VT
-0.759729       -1.51946        -5.63988
-0.65024        -1.30048        0.437958
A := U*S*VT:
1       2       4
-9.63558e-16    -4.86265e-17    4

In terms of BLAS I installed

libblas-dev - Basic Linear Algebra Subroutines 3, static library
libblas3gf - Basic Linear Algebra Reference implementations, shared library
libopenblas-dev - Optimized BLAS (linear algebra) library based on GotoBLAS2

Consequently in the Lapack main Makefile I used

BLASLIB = /usr/lib/openblas-base/libopenblas.a