Run a shell script on OS X without having a terminal window appear?

Open Automator, choose Application, add a Run Shell Script action and put in your Shell command between quotes (if you have a file, you can just drag and drop it).

Other than playing it, now you can save it (as an app anywhere) and even set the icon.

Here's a quick and dirty example with almost no effort (for an app named "myapp"):

  1. Make an partial applications hierarchy:

        mkdir -p ./
  2. Make sure the first line of your script has the full path to the needed program, e.g.,

  3. Name your shell script "myapp" (no quotes, no extension), give it execute permissions, and then put it in the MacOS sub-directory. To give it execute permissions:

    chmod ugo+x myapp
  4. Go to the Contents sub-directory and create a PkgInfo file containing the string: APPL???? [no line terminator at end of string!] Use the cat(1) utility to create the file:

    cat > PkgInfo

    After you have typed the string (do not hit return!), enter two control-D's, which will close
    the file with no line terminator and return you to the shell prompt.)

  5. Double-click your new "app" from the finder. It will run with no window.

You might want to check out Platypus, which creates Mac OS X applications from shell scripts and other interpreted scripts.

Here's a small workaround, in case you fancy application launchers like Alfred. I use it every day, and I've bought the Powerpack, which allows you to run silent shell scripts.

enter image description here

These will not open a terminal when running and can be bound to any keyword sequence. They can even include parameters, and have additional options:

enter image description here

I use this for some small snippets, and it's very flexible.

If you add key LSUIElement and set it to 1 in Info.plist of your app, it will not create an icon in Dock.

Here is Info.plist of my small shell script app:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
<plist version="1.0">